The Beginning
Gowri brand was established in London, 1995, by Lauri and Gerli Grand Uustalu. They had a son named Gowri and as Gowri means someone who is irresistible there simply wasn't a better name for the brand. (Fun fact: the infant boy Gowri started walking on the same day Gowri brand was created.)
Our Philosophy
We believe that in order to live in our full joyful potential we need to be loved and connected. We offer clothing that is made personally to you not by big factory machine work, but by a single skillful and dedicated master tailor. Clothing made by one being to another fellow being with true human touch in it.
Isn´t it important to know, about the clothing we wear on our skin - who, where and how it was made. Knowing that creates a nice feeling of home, which we believe is truly important in life.
Tailor-made, bespoke, tête-à-tête – the state of mind that is behind all these terms will put you in a safe intimate space and make you feel good.
And when you feel good, you do good, your good becomes better, your better becomes best, and best is blessed.